Background Note: “Standard Essential Patents, Innovation and Competition: Challenges in India”

by Arpan Banerjee, Jindal Global Law School in Delhi, India

from Volume 7 (2017-2018)

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Abstract: In September 2014, a few months after a landslide election victory, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the launch of “Make in India,” an ambitious program designed to turn India into a global manufacturing hub. One of the factors widely thought to be responsible for Modi’s victory was support from India’s “neo-middle class”—a young, newly- urbanized section of the electorate seeking employment and improved living standards but struggling amidst an economic downturn. In a speech inaugurating Make in India, Modi linked the program with the aspirations of this section of society. Modi stated the need to elevate the status of the poor-to-middle class as fast as possible, noting that sixty-five percent of India’s population was aged thirty-five and below. He declared that the “[s]traight answer” to achieve this goal would be to create jobs in the manufacturing sector. He emphasized the importance of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for this purpose, terming FDI as both a “responsibility” and an “opportunity.” But Modi conceded that India’s poor rank in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index—below 130 at the time—was an impediment and had to ideally rise to fifty. Modi thus announced that the government would reduce bureaucratic obstacles faced by investors This has been a key focus of the initiative, and various measures have since been adopted. Make in India was followed by the launch of two complementary schemes in 2015 and 2016 respectively: “Digital India” and “Start Up India.” The stated aim of the former is to transfer India into a “digitally empowered society and knowledge economy,” with one of its pillars being the promotion of manufacturing in the electronics sector. The stated aim of the latter includes “fostering entrepreneurship and promoting innovation.”

Make in India and its allied schemes have yielded some dividends, and India’s rank in the Ease of Doing Business Index recently jumped to 100. Yet various challenges to Make in India exist. Crucially, automation technologies, such as 3D printing, threaten to displace millions of low-skilled jobs. As automation is seen as less of a threat in displacing jobs in electronics manufacturing, there is a case for arguing that a strong focus of Make in India should be the manufacture of electronic products like smartphones, tablets and semiconductors. Although India’s electronics industry is growing at a rapid rate, the industry is heavily reliant on foreign imports—a further reason to prioritize the area within Make in India. However, India suffers from low technological preparedness and weak ICT infrastructure. If India is to make improvements on this front, issues involving innovation and intellectual property (IP), such as technology transfer and licensing, are likely to assume much importance. In this regard, Make in India has identified IP as a key policy component, Digital India has included “IP generation in the area of electronics” as an objective, and Startup India has included the commercialization of IP in its agenda. But none of the parameters in the Ease of Doing Business Index factor in the role of IP. Thus, linking the success of Make in India with the Ease of Doing Business Index may neither capture the concerns of foreign investors heavily reliant on IP protection, nor reflect advancements in India’s IP system.

Volume 1

Issue 1

Winter, 2010

Reflections from the Trademark Scholars Roundtable

In this volume are published works reflecting the conversations from the Fourth Trademark Scholars Roundtable at DePaul University in 2012. The Trademark Scholars Roundtable participants discussed a wide range of approaches to understanding and limiting the ever-increasing sprawl of trademark rights.

Issue 2

Spring, 2011

Reflections on the Patent Scope Revisited Conference

This issue focuses on vehicles external to the patent system and the impact that they may have on determining scope of rights for patents. Included in this issue are conversations about the perceived formalistic behavior of the Federal Circuit and argument for courts to consider extrinsic evidence for interpretation of claim construction, giving way to policy considerations of productive directions for patent scope.

Volume 2

Issue 1

Winter, 2012

In this volume, we are pleased to publish scholarship from Christopher Holman on the impact of gene patents on whole genome sequencing.

Issue 2

Winter, 2012

This volume includes scholarship from across the globe. From the United States, we present the work of Professor Jamie Lund, Saint Mary’s University School of Law; Professor Jonathan Stroud, American University Washington College of Law; and Professor Elizabeth Hayes, Texas Wesleyan School of Law. We are also proud to present scholarship from Professor Carl Mair from the University of Leiden (the Netherlands) and Professor Nicola Searle from the University of Abertay Dundee (Scotland, UK).

Volume 3

Issue 1

Fall, 2012

In this issue, a variety of scholarship and insight is presented by both academic scholars and practitioners from across the world. Horacio Gutiérrez of Microsoft discusses the evolution of industrial design protection in consideration of virtual and technological advancements in an essay. Blake Hartz of Woodard, Emhardt, Moriarty, McNett & Henry LLP presents an examination of the dissenting opinions penned by Judge Newman of the Federal Circuit. Andrew T. Langford, Maurer School of Law Class of 2013, describes parallels between contract interpretation and claim construction in the Federal Circuit. Xinbo Li, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Law School Class of 2011, LLM, presents a discussion on protection of fashion design in the intellectual property realm. Ling Jin and Yihong Ying of Rouse’s China Technology Group discuss the limitations of graphic user interface protection in China.

Issue 2

Spring, 2013

In this issue, scholars and practitioners from across the world present on a variety of issues, including trademark law, design protection, and open-source licensing. Dr. Vikrant Vasudeva discusses open-source software licensing and intellectual property rights. Irina Pak of the BPP Law School in the U.K. presents an essay on the evolution of European trademark rights. Professor Estelle Derclaye of the University of Nottingham, U.K., discusses design rights decisions and the future of design rights in the U.K. Professor Alexandra Roberts of the University of New Hampshire in Concord examines the effect of trademark law on the name change of educational institutions. Professor Sarah Burstein of the University of Oklahoma College of Law examines copyright protection of designs. Professor Jason Rantanen of the University of Iowa College of Law presents a discussion on inequitable conduct in patent suits. Camilla Hrdy of Berkeley Law considers in discussion state patent regimes as an alternative for inventors who disagree with the current patent system in the United States. Dean Timothy Holbrook of Emory University School of Law examines the interest of the Supreme Court in patent law.

Volume 7

This volume includes scholarship from Arpan Banerjee, who explores recent deveopments and policy considerations regarding India’s antitrust and patent law, particularly in the context of Standard Essential Patents (SEPs) in the ICT sector; scholarship from Jacob S. Sherkow and Jorge L. Contreras, who explore the world of surrogate licensing; scholarship from Stephen Yelderman on the geographic scope of patent damages; and scholarship from Greg Reilly about the relative stability of our patent system since the 19th Century despite recent changes brought about by the America Invents Act of 2011.


Jessica Falender

Editorial Team
Senior Online Content and Podcast Editor: Alyssa Deckard
Senior Managing Editor: Jeff Soller
Senior Articles Editor: Ryan McDonnell
Editors: Trevor Jenkins, Ty Edwards, Derek Ventling, Sarah Eddy, Nick Palmieri, Nick Wheeler, Ken Guerra
Faculty Advisor and Primary Contact: Professor Michael Mattioli
Faculty Advisor: Professor Mark Janis


Volume 6

Spring, 2016

This volume includes scholarship from Professor Jason Rantanen on the malleability of patent rights.


Brett Bostrom

Editorial Team
Senior Managing Editor: Sarah Goodman
Senior Articles Editor: Sarah Rounsifer
Online Content Editor: Chris Cassella
Articles Editors: Alyssa Deckard, Jessica Falender, Ryan McDonnell, Jeffrey Soller
Faculty Advisor and Primary Contact: Professor Michael Mattioli
Faculty Advisor: Professor Mark Janis
Faculty Advisor: Professor Arpan Banerjee (Jindal Global Law School)


Volume 5

Spring, 2015

Academic Scholarship from 2014 Leveraging Creativity Conference

In this volume, we are pleased to publish scholarship from the academic speakers who presented at the 2014 Leveraging Creativity: Artists, Entrepreneurship, and Intellectual Property Law produced by the Indiana Arts Commission and the Center for Intellectual Property Research at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law. Additional support was provided by Indiana University’s New Frontiers in the Arts & Humanities Program, the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, the National Endowment for the Arts and Meitus Gelbert Rose LLP.


Emily Storm-Smith

Editorial Team
Deepa Balavijayan (Emory School of Law)
Rian C. Dawson
Chelsey McCory
Benjamin R. Holt
Peter M. Nacsa
Freddie D. Ordonez (Emory School of Law)
Scott A. Skiles
Utena C. Yang (Emory School of Law)


Volume 4

Summer, 2014

In this volume, we are pleased to feature works on a range of intellectual property issues from Innovation in the biomedical industry to copyright liabilitiy.  Professor Lisa Larrimore of Stanford Law School explains the Cultural Cognition of Patents, Professor Kylie Pappalardo from the Queensland University of Technology provides an Australian perspective on the Duty and Control of Intermediary Copyright Liability, and Professor W. Nicholson Price II from the University of New Hampshire School of Law writes about Innovation and Quality in Drug Manufacturing.


Francesca Cardillo (Indiana)

Editorial Team
Deepa Balavijayan (Emory)
Jim Crook (Emory)
Kevin Domanico (Indiana)
EJ Henricks (Indiana)
Karen Jhurani (Emory)
Kassandra Officer (Indiana)
Emily Storm-Smith (Indiana)
Tammy Tanner (Emory)
Anna Wortham (Indiana)
Rian Dawson (Indiana)



  • Cultural Cognition of Patents By Lisa Larrimore Ouellette, Stanford Law School from Volume 4, Issue 1 (Summer, 2014) Download this Article in PDF format from The Jerome Hall Law Library’s Digital Repository. Abstract: Simply making empirical progress is not always enough to influence policy, as demonstrated by the polarized public discourse over issues ranging from climate change to gun control. The current discourse ...
  • Duty and Control in Intermediary Copyright Liability: An Australian Perspective By Kylie Pappalardo, Queensland University of Technology from Volume 4, Issue 1 (Summer, 2014) Download this Article in PDF format from The Jerome Hall Law Library’s Digital Repository. Abstract: In the internet age, copyright owners are increasingly looking to online intermediaries to take steps to prevent copyright infringement. Sometimes these intermediaries are closely tied to the acts of infringement; ...
  • Generic Entry Jujitsu: Innovation and Quality in Drug Manufacturing By W. Nicholson Price II, University of New Hampshire School of Law from Volume 4, Issue 1 (Summer, 2014) Download this Article in PDF format from The Jerome Hall Law Library’s Digital Repository. Abstract: The manufacturing side of the pharmaceutical industry has been neglected in innovation theory and policy, with the unfortunate result of stagnant manufacturing techniques ...